
Get Paid to Study in Romania: Romania Government Scholarships for International Scholars

In the heart of Romania, where history intertwines with modernity, there exists an unparalleled opportunity for aspiring scholars from around the world. The Romania Government Scholarships for 2024 aren’t just scholarships; they are a key to unlocking a fully funded educational journey. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs extends an invitation for foreign citizens to delve into Undergraduate, Masters, and Doctoral Degrees, creating a tapestry of global education in Romania.

As you stand on the precipice of this opportunity, envision not just a scholarship application process but a transformative experience that can shape your academic future. Picture yourself amidst the rich cultural heritage of Romania, exploring a land where innovation meets tradition, and education is a pathway to new horizons.

Romania Government Scholarships Summary:

  • Host Country: Romania
  • Study Abroad: Study in Europe
  • Category: Undergraduate Scholarships | Postgraduate Scholarships | Masters Scholarships | PhD Scholarships
  • Eligible Countries: All Countries
  • Reward: Full Scholarship | Accommodation | 85 EURO per month Stipends
  • Deadline: March 16, 2024.

We encourage you to contact us on our different channels if you want to learn more about this unique process.

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Eligibility Requirements for 2024 Romania Government Scholarships:

Foreign citizens from all non-EU countries, with the following exceptions:

  • citizens of Romanian origin or who are part of the Romanian historical communities in the proximity of Romania (entitled to different scholarship programmes);
  • citizens who have requested or acquired a form of protection in Romania;
  • stateless persons whose stay on the territory of Romania is officially recognized according to the law;
  • members of the diplomatic and consular corps or family members of the diplomatic and consular corps accredited to Romania; members of the administrative and technical staff of diplomatic missions and consular offices accredited to Romania;
  • staff members of international organizations based in Romania or family members of staff of international organizations based in Romania;
  • beneficiaries of a scholarship from the Romanian state for the same cycle of study.

Romania Government Scholarships Details:

Each year, the Romanian Government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, provides a number of scholarships to citizens from non-EU countries. The scholarship applicant can choose from any of the following three study cycles in accredited higher education institutions in Romania:

  • Bachelor: these programmes are addressed to graduates of high school studies or pre-university studies at the end of which they obtained a baccalaureate degree or equivalent, as well as candidates applying for further university studies in Romania. The complete programme runs for a period of 3-6 years, depending on the specialization and ends with a Bachelor exam;
  • Master: these programmes are addressed to undergraduates, run for a period of 1, 1.5 or 2 years and end with the dissertation exam;
  • PhD: doctoral programmes are addressed to graduate students or equivalent and run for a period of 3-5 years, depending on the profile of the chosen faculty and end with the presentation of a PhD thesis. In order to be admitted to doctoral studies and to obtain the scholarship, it is compulsory that, prior to submitting the application, the candidate should get the written agreement of the Doctoral Tutor, which must be a member of the doctoral school, and also that he/she passes the admission interview.
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Benefits of Romania Government Scholarships:

The scholarship, including the preparatory year where applicable, consists of:

  • financing tuition fees;
  • financing the accommodation expenses in the student dormitories within the limit of the subsidy allocated for this purpose (accommodation will be provided to the extent of available places, scholarship holders having the obligation to contact the host university to find out the accommodation conditions);
  • granting a monthly financial aid, as follows: the equivalent in ”lei” (the Romanian currency) of the amount of 65 EURO, for undergraduate and the preparatory year students; the equivalent in ”lei” (the Romanian currency) of the amount of 75 EURO, for Master students, the equivalent in ”lei” (the Romanian currency) of the amount of 85 EURO, for PhD students.
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Required Documents for 2024 Romania Government Scholarships:

The required documents are:

  • Diplomas,
  • Transcripts,
  • Birth certificate and
  • Passport, CV – all described in the application process.

How to apply for Romania Government Scholarships:

To apply for the Romania Government Scholarships, interested and qualified applicants should use the “CLICK HERE TO APPLY” to proceed to the application page.

Deadline: March 16, 2024.

Dive into the comprehensive guide provided and let your educational journey in Romania unfold. The opportunities are vast, the cultural experiences are profound, and the potential for personal and academic growth is boundless. Don’t wait; your path to educational enrichment starts here!

For more scholarships and opportunities to study and travel to Europe Click Here

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